Release November 3. 2023

By Jakob Buchanan Release September 22. 2023
Carsten Seyer-Hansen
Carsten Seyer-Hansen was born 1971 and has since his youth been a central figure in the community of musical and choral music in Aarhus, Denmark. In 1995 he founded the Aarhus University Choir, which he conducted for 10 years.
"In 1997 he founded and con- ducted the award-winning vocal group Concerto Clemens, for which he is still artistically responsible. Educational work plays a central role in Carsten ́s musical life: at The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus he has taught choral conducting since 1998 and helped build a choral conducting course. Under the auspices of the society Sangkraft, (Power of song) which was formed to support and promote the understanding of singing on all levels in various cities, he was artistic director in the local Sangkraft Aarhus until 2020.
Carsten Seyer-Hansen has been a frequent guest of Danish National Vocal Ensemble and other significant collaborations include the Aarhus Bach Society, with whom he has continuously performed all of Bach’s major works for a number of years, and the Aar- hus Jazz Orchestra, where he has collaborated with the composer and trumpeter Jakob Buchanan on multiple projects, conducting the premiere of Buchanan’s Requiem with the Aarhus Jazz Orchestra, Marilyn Mazur, Indra, Jakob Bro and the Aarhus Cathedral Choir. The recording of the same work later received the Danish Music Awards. His 2012 recording of “Maurice Duruflé Complete organ works, Motets and Requiem” with Con- certo Clemens, Aarhus Cathedral Choir, Bo Skovhus, Randi Stene and organist Kristian Krogsøe was awarded the German Record Critics’ Prize.
In 2020 Carsten Seyer-Hansen was appointed chief conductor at the Copenhagen Royal Chapel Choir.