Daniel Börtz
Born in Osby, Sweden 1943, Daniel Börtz is today considered one of the most important composers in Sweden's musical history.
Over the years his music has changed from a focus of sound and additive form to a more horizontal writing in an organic idiom. His music has always been characterized by its simplicity and strictness that emphasizes the sharpness in his emotional charged statements...
In spite of his important chamber music works, it is the symphonic works and music drama that is considered Daniel Börtz's main genre. His solo concerts for trumpet, violin, clarinet, recorder and piano are, as he explains, an extension of the symphonic genre.
Börtz's continuing interest in melodic lines, the human voice and life`s big questions led to a collaboration with Swedish director Ingmar Bergman in the musical drama "Baccanterne", at the Swedish Royal Opera in 1991. Other vocal works include the opera "Marie Antoniette" (1998), the oratorio "And his Name was Orestes" (2001-02), and the Opera "Svall" (2005.)