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The Danish Newspaper Politiken have choosen VINGT REGARDS as BEST RELEASE in 2023.

Dec 11, 2023

The Danish Newspaper Politiken have chosen VINGT REGARDS as BEST RELEASE in 2023. On the list of the 10 best releases you also find SOLO ALONE AND MORE med clarinetist Jonas Frølund. CORELLIMANIA with Michala Petri, Hille Perl and Mahan Esfahani is one of 3 finalist for the ICMA Award.

Today is the release of Corellimania.

Oct 13, 2023

On the new album with the star trio Petri/Perl/Esfahani the music Corelli’s influence on 3 German Baroque Masters, Bach, Händel and Telemann.
For this exploration of the 18th century’s Corelli Craze, the dynamic star trio of Mahan Esfahani, Hille Perl and Michala Petri unite to trace the Roman’s influence, (sometimes in name only...) on the musical legacies of Bach, Händel and Telemann, and of course two works from the pen of the celebrated Italian Master, himself.
In for different 5 stars reviews Fanfare wrote before the release:
5 stars: "A brilliant, must-have recital of Baroque chamber music"
5 stars: "A remarkable, stunning release; there is nothing to adversely criticise here. Nothing at all"
5 stars: "An absolutely fabulous and absorbing program surrounding the doyen of Baroque Italian composer, Archangelo Corelli"
5 stars: "This is an hour and a quarter’s worth of wonderful music, expertly played, and superbly recorded. Recommended to one and all"


Aug 14, 2022

It is a pleasure for OUR Recordings to announce that we have recorded FOUR NORDIC SONGS TO OUR WORLD with the Norwegian singer Birgitte Grimstad, together with Michala Petri and Lars Hannibal. The four "Old Songs" unfortunately have a great actuality - they speak about human greed, the current environmental situation and the stupidity of war. Birgitte Grimstad performs with an intensity that goes directly in to your heart and mind. The release will be September 2. and you can already now find videos on YouTube.

OUR Recordings "Label of the Month" in the "Naxos Family" of distributed Label,

Jun 16, 2022

OUR Recordings is very proud to announce the Naxos group have choosen OUR Recordings a "Label of the Month" in the "Naxos Family" of distributed Labels. Also today we sent out our OUR Recordings Summer Newsletter.

Recording of 5 Chinese Tang Dynasty Poems with music by Lars Hannibal

May 24, 2022

Yesterday we recorded 5 Chinese Tang Dynasty Poems with music by Lars Hannibal for counter tenor (Stephen Yeseta), recorder, (Michala Petri), percussion, (Gert Mortensen) and guitar (Lars Hannibal) Due to the corona virus it was not possible for Chinese erhu player Xu Ziling to come to Denmark, so the erhu part will be recorded later. Producer Preben Iwan. Video Julie Malmstrøm Media. We are working on a late August release for this Digital EP release. The songs are all about the relationship between nature and the human being - and a strong comment to the actual climate situation.

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