Klassisk Magazine (DK)
June 6, 2022
Jeppe Rønnow
Smertefuldt og ironisk
Den iranske cembalist og musikforsker Mahan Esfahani står bag en række nyere danske koncerter for tasteinstrumentet. I marts uropførte han Bent Sørensens nye cembalokoncert ‘Sei anime’ i Bergen, og på denne udgivelse er han aktuel med en indspilning af Poul Ruders cembalokoncert, som er skrevet til Mahan Esfahani på bestilling af Aarhus Symfoniorkester.
Ruders har tidligere skrevet for cembaloet, men anså sit forhold til instrumentet for afsluttet, indtil bestillingen kom. Det partitur, som han skrev i 2019, er både udadvendt og tilbagetrukket, højspændt og smertefuldt, direkte og ironisk. Denne liveoptagelse er fra uropførelsen i Aarhus året efter med byens symfoniorkester under ledelse af Leif Segertam. Jeppe Rønnow, June 7th 2022
Google Translation:
Painful and ironic
The Iranian harpsichordist and musicologist Mahan Esfahani is behind a number of recent Danish concerts for the keyboard instrument. In March, he premiered Bent Sørensen's new harpsichord concerto ‘Sei anime’ in Bergen, and on this release he is up to date with a recording of Poul Ruder's harpsichord concerto, which was written for Mahan Esfahani on behalf of the Aarhus Symphony Orchestra. Ruders has previously written for the harpsichord, but considered his relationship with the instrument to be completed until the order came. The score he wrote in 2019 is both extroverted and withdrawn, high-stakes and painful, direct and ironic. This live recording is from the premiere in Aarhus the following year with the city's symphony orchestra under the direction of Leif Segertam.
Poul Ruders: Cembalokoncert | OUR Recordings 9.70896