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Politiken Newspaper DK, "5 stars - Michala Petri crosses her baroque trail".

November 14, 2019

Henrik Friis, Politiken, Denmark

Politiken Newspaper DK
5 stars
Michala Petri krydser sit barokspor
Sidste skud på stammen for den produktive fløjtenist er en krystalklar fortolkning af Bach-sonater, som holdes simpel og sanselig og i en imponerende lydkvalitet.
Der er gået næsten 30 år, siden Michala Petri indspillede Bachs fløjtesonater med jazzpianisten Keith Jarrett. Denne gang er duoen udvidet til en trio med en gambe – en slags forløber for celloen – der lægger silkebløde strøg mellem blokfløjtens luftige melodier og cembaloets knitrende motor.
Umiddelbart lyder det ikke, som om Petris idé om barokmusik har udviklet sig meget siden tiden med Keith Jarrett: Alt lægges klart ud i et kæmpemæssigt luftigt rum, hvor det lykkes smukt for de tre musikere at få musikken til at flyde fokuseret og minutiøst med detaljer og balance. Når man kommer tættere på, er der masser af forskel.
Den iranskfødte cembalist Mahan Esfahani er en af Petris faste partnere, og han er en meget sjovere cembalist end Jarrett. Hans lyd er tindrende klar, samtidig med at han ikke er bange for at smide begge hænder i tangenterne, når musikken skal kulminere. Og så er gamben en virkelig god idé. Specielt, når den tyske specialist Hille Perl får lov til at træde helt frem i lydbilledet og for eksempel knipse en rundgang som bund i en langsom, smertelig sats.
Værdigt jubilæumsalbum
Bachs 6 sonater varer alle 10-15 minutter fordelt på 3-4 korte satser, men de er temmelig forskellige. Nogle høvler med vold og magt derudad i et voldsomt opskruet tempo, mens andre har klimaks i en helt langsom sats, hvor de tre musikere sætter tiden i stå og lader musikken udtrykke sig søgende og spinkel. Det sidste bliver totalt overvældende sidst på albummet i sonaterne med de sexede titler BWV 1034 og 1035. De tre musikere holder det simpelt og sanseligt med et skønt nærvær.
Det er album nummer 40, siden Petri og Lars Hannibal dannede OUR Recordings. Og det er helt bestemt et værdigt jubilæums album i en imponerende høj lydkvalitet, der viser, at Petris lange karriere stadig har masser af fylde. Henrik Friis, 05.11.2019
English Google Translation:
5 stars
Michala Petri crosses her baroque trail
Last shot on the trunk of the prolific flute player is a crystal clear interpretation of Bach sonatas, which is kept simple and sensual and in an impressive sound quality.
It's been almost 30 years since Michala Petri recorded Bach's flute sonatas with jazz pianist Keith Jarrett. This time, the duo has expanded into a trio with a gamba - a kind of precursor to the cello - that adds silky strokes between the recorder's airy tunes and the harpsichord's crackling engine.

Immediately, it doesn't sound like Petri's idea of ​​Baroque music has evolved a lot since the time with Keith Jarrett: Everything is laid out clearly in a huge airy space where it is beautiful for the three musicians to make the music flow focused and meticulous in detail and balance. As you get closer, there is a lot of difference.

Iranian-born harpsichordist Mahan Esfahani is one of Petri's regular partners, and he is a much more fun harpsichordist than Jarrett. His sound is sparklingly clear, while not afraid to throw both hands into the keys when the music is to culminate. And then the gamba is a really good idea. Especially when the German specialist Hille Perl is allowed to step forward in the soundscape and, for example, pluck a vamp as the ground at a slow, painful movement.
Worthy anniversary album
Bach's 6 sonatas last all 10-15 minutes in 3-4 short movements, but they are all rather different. Some played with violence and power out there at a violently accelerated tempo, while others have a climax in a very slow movement, where the three musicians put the time to a stop and let the music express itself searching and tenuous. The last thing is totally overwhelming at the end of the album in the sonata with the sexy titles BWV 1034 and 1035. The three musicians keep it simple and sensual with a beautiful presence.

It's album number 40, since Petri and Lars Hannibal formed OUR Recordings. And it is definitely a worthy anniversary album in an impressively high sound quality that shows that Petri's long career still has plenty of fullness.

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