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"L´amour et la foi" receives the French "Grammy" Diapason d'Or de l´année

November 25, 2015

OUR Recordings release L´amour et la foi with Olivier Messiaens Choir Music, with Marcus Creed conducting Danish National Vocal Ensemble, Danish National Concert Choir and Danish National Chamber Orchestra get the prize in category Best Choral performance. The show is on Radio France direct November the 26th at 19:30 : ” You don’t forget this music once you’ve heard it. And fortunately Marcus Creed and his Danish singers and players–along with pianist Marianna Shirinyan and ondes Martenot soloist Thomas Bloch (in the Three Liturgies)–are more than just able advocates for Messiaen’s music: they are musicians of exceptional ability and admirable commitment, who leave no doubt that we are hearing performances that will stand alongside or above any in the catalog"! David Vernier, Classical Today

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