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Today is the release of Corellimania.

October 13, 2023

For this exploration of the 18th century’s Corelli Craze, the dynamic star trio of
Mahan Esfahani, Hille Perl and Michala Petri unite to trace the Roman’s influence,
(sometimes in name only...) on the musical legacies of Bach, Händel and Telemann,
and of course two works from the pen of the celebrated Italian Master, himself.

On the new album with the star trio Petri/Perl/Esfahani the music Corelli’s influence on 3 German Baroque Masters, Bach, Händel and Telemann.
For this exploration of the 18th century’s Corelli Craze, the dynamic star trio of Mahan Esfahani, Hille Perl and Michala Petri unite to trace the Roman’s influence, (sometimes in name only...) on the musical legacies of Bach, Händel and Telemann, and of course two works from the pen of the celebrated Italian Master, himself.
In for different 5 stars reviews Fanfare wrote before the release:
5 stars: "A brilliant, must-have recital of Baroque chamber music"
5 stars: "A remarkable, stunning release; there is nothing to adversely criticise here. Nothing at all"
5 stars: "An absolutely fabulous and absorbing program surrounding the doyen of Baroque Italian composer, Archangelo Corelli"
5 stars: "This is an hour and a quarter’s worth of wonderful music, expertly played, and superbly recorded. Recommended to one and all"

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