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"Romantish verträumt" Leading German Chambermusic Magazine Ensemble

March 2, 2008

Detlev Borg

Romantish verträumt:
The opening Text for this CD describes the chosen repertoire as " a soundtrack for a daydream, or twillight accompaniment for a romantic dinner". It could not have been better formulated and all the works are romantic with focus on the Melodie.
The compilation of works includes expected works such as Shuberts Ave Maria, Händels famous Largo, Massenet Meditaion and Paganinis Cantabile, and when you get use to the many transcriptions, like Mozarts Ave Verum Corpus, it works well. The focus group of buyers for such a production would certainly not mind the transcriptions when it is is done so musical conviencing, with beautiful tone, clear lines and great dynamic like here all the way through!

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