4 stars from Gregers DH.dk
March 12, 2023
Ligeti På Ungarsk Plus Kodaly
Udsøgte ungarske korsange i tæt format med DR-koret. Ligeti og Kodaly i musikalske nærbilleder.
Der sker noget med mennesker, der er pålagt censur. Det gjorde der også med Gyögy Ligeti, komponisten. Han forlod Ungarn, da russerne besatte landet i 1956, blev vesteuropæer (Frankrig, Østrig, U.S.A.). Skiftet kan aflæses i cd’en Lux Aeterna. Hans musik ændrer sig. Nu kan han åbenlyst bruge de påvirkninger, han indtil da er gået stille med. CD’ens titelværk ’Lux aeterna’ er fra 1966. Et stort flydende net af sangstemmer, et broget vævet klangtæppe. Katolsk tågedannelse. Brugt af nogle som filmmusik. Men fra kort før flugten stammer fire små sange, skrevet i tæt nærhed til ungarsk lyrik og naturstemning, farverige eller morsomme – sunget her af DR’s elitekor under Marcus Creed – krævende som de sange med Hölderlin-tekster, der følger efter. Ligeti forspiste sig senere i de stilistiske muligheder med operaen ’Le Grand Macabre’. Det er en anden historie. Hans lærer i Ungarn var Zoltan Kodaly, og det er en god oplevelse på cd’en at møde sange af den ældre Kodaly, Bartoks samtidige, i sange, der er enklere, mere forbundet med folkesangtraditioner, men klart også en fornøjelse at synge for koret. Og lytte til for os andre. gregersdh.dk March 12-2023
Google Translation
Ligeti In Hungarian Plus Kodaly
Exquisite Hungarian choral songs in close format with the DR choir. Ligeti and Kodaly in musical close-ups.
Something happens to people who are subject to censorship. That was also the case with Gyögy Ligeti, the composer. He left Hungary when the Russians occupied the country in 1956, became a Western European (France, Austria, U.S.A.). The change can be read on the Lux Aeterna CD. His music changes. Now he can openly use the influences he has been quiet about until then. The CD's title work 'Lux aeterna' is from 1966. A large flowing net of singing voices, a variegated woven tapestry of sound. Catholic fog formation. Used by some as film score. But from shortly before the escape, four small songs originate, written in close proximity to Hungarian lyricism and the atmosphere of nature, colorful or funny - sung here by DR's elite choir under Marcus Creed - demanding as the songs with Hölderlin texts that follow. Ligeti later indulged in the stylistic possibilities with the opera 'Le Grand Macabre'. That's another story. His teacher in Hungary was Zoltan Kodaly, and it is a good experience on the CD to meet songs by the older Kodaly, Bartok's contemporary, in songs that are simpler, more connected to folk song traditions, but clearly also a pleasure to sing for the choir . And listen to for the rest of us. gregersdh.dk