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6 Star review of Petri/Hannibal Duo opening concert at Ålborg International Guitar estival!

November 18, 2024

Evanthore Vestergaard

6 Stjerner (MAX)
18. november 2024
Af Evanthore Vestergaard -
Koncert - Petri-Hannibal duo
Guitaristen og lutenisten Lars Hannibal er i samme liga.
Derfor var det et perfekt mix match, da de dannede duo i begyndelsen af 90’erne.
Siden har de givet flere hundrede koncerter, indspillet en mængde cd’er, dannet et pladeselskab og været gift med og skilt fra hinanden i en romance, der nævnes, fordi parret blev celebrity i en grad som sjældent ses inden for klassisk musik.
Men hvor gode er de egentlig til deres metier? Hvor godt spiller de? Er de stadig på toppen? Det korte svar er: ja!
Petri og Hannibal er hamrende gode musikere, deres hele fremtræden er dybt professionel, og de ”holder sig godt” i enhver forstand.
Den slags er vanskeligt at beskrive for anmelderen, fordi de sædvanlige superlativer forlængst er brugt op. De er og kan det hele; og hvad er så det?
Naturligvis først og fremmest det musikalske. De er hver for sig og sammen et overflødighedshorn af musikalitet, engagement og indsigt i den musik, de spiller.
Og det er ikke udbredt i dag hvor begrebet opførelsespraksis, altså hensynet til musikkens autencitet, synes at være gledet ud af musikuddannelserne.
På programmet musik af barokmestre og ny dansk musik, der er et særkende for duoen – alt sammen udført med samme overbevisende engagement og
Det, der ofte kaldes ekstra-musikalsk, altså alt det der er omkring musikken, synes hos Petri/Hannibal Duo at være en naturlig forlængelse af musikken og ikke påklistret opførsel.
Også dét er kendetegnende for musikere af høj, international standard. Det skaber en elegant balance mellem musikken og de musikere, der spiller den; de er ydmyge uden at være blaserte.
I aftes i en pænt fyldt Sankt Markus Kirke åbnede de Aalborg Internationale Guitarfestival. Intet kunne være mere oplagt, men stiller store forventninger til fortsættelsen. Som der står i anmeldelsen af Petris biografi: Det er næsten for meget af det gode.
Foto: Lars Mørch
Koncert, Sankt Markus Kirke, søndag

The Star Duo
6 Stars (MAX)
November 18, 2024 By Evanthore Vestergaard -

Concert - Petri-Hannibal Duo

The Danish recorder player Michala Petri is internationally recognized as one of the most renowned and celebrated musicians on her instrument. The guitarist and lutenist Lars Hannibal is in the same league. That’s why it was a perfect match when they formed a duo in the early 1990s.

Since then, they have performed hundreds of concerts, recorded numerous CDs, founded a record label, and even been married and divorced—a romance worth mentioning, as the pair became celebrities to an extent rarely seen in classical music.

But how good are they really at their craft? How well do they play? Are they still at the top?
The short answer: yes!

Petri and Hannibal are outstanding musicians. Their entire presence is deeply professional, and they “hold up well” in every sense of the phrase.

It’s challenging for a reviewer to describe such a duo because the usual superlatives have long been exhausted. They have it all and can do it all—but what exactly is that?

First and foremost, of course, it’s the musicality. Individually and together, they are a cornucopia of musicality, engagement, and insight into the music they perform.

And this is rare today, when the concept of performance practice—respect for the authenticity of the music—seems to have faded out of music education.

Their program featured music by Baroque masters and new Danish compositions, a hallmark of the duo—all performed with the same compelling engagement and professionalism.

What is often called "extra-musical"—everything surrounding the music itself—feels like a natural extension of the music with the Petri/Hannibal Duo, not a pasted-on performance gimmick.

This, too, is characteristic of musicians of a high international standard. It creates an elegant balance between the music and the performers; they are humble without being blasé.

Last night, in a decently filled St. Mark's Church, they opened the Aalborg International Guitar Festival. Nothing could have been more fitting, though it sets high expectations for what follows.

As noted in the review of Petri’s biography: *It’s almost too much of a good thing.*

Concert, St. Mark's Church, Sunday.

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