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Danish Newspaper Syddjurs Avis

September 28, 2023


Nyt anmelderrost jazzalbum: Musikken voksede frem på Mols
Komponist Jakob Buchanan er klar med endnu et jazzalbum og inspirationen har han hentet i sit eget liv som ægtemand og far på Mols.
Komponist Jakob Buchanan er klar med endnu et jazzalbum og inspirationen har han hentet i sit eget liv som ægtemand og far på Mols.
Jazzelskere kan godt slå ørerne ud, for den 22. september udkom den internationalt anerkendte jazzkomponist Jakob Buchanans nye album Song & Wind. Det fortæller hans pladeselskab i en pressemeddelelse.
Albummet er et samarbejde med Aarhus Jazz Orchestra og den internationalt anerkendte perkussionist Marilyn Mazur, samt intet mindre end 90 eminente sangere fra Københavns Drengekor under kyndig ledelse af dirigent Carsten Seyer-Hansen.
Song & Wind har allerede vakt begejstring. Da værket blev spillet til Vinterjazz 2022, kvitterede Politikens anmelder Henrik Palle med fem hjerter og skrev:
»Musikken var storladen og skrøbelig. Akkurat som kloden… Smuk, spirituel, kompleks og udfordrende, ja, faktisk krævende. Til gengæld også ekstremt givende, tankevækkende og berigende.«
Hos Aarhus Jazz Orchestra er man glad og stolt over samarbejdet med en af Danmarks førende jazzkomponister. Orkesterchef Anders Ørbæk siger:
»Samarbejdet med Jakob Buchanan er enormt givende for os som orkester, dels fordi Jakob er en eminent komponist der hele tid udstikker nye retninger for jazzen, men også fordi han kender vores orkester, herunder de enkelte musikeres styrker, indgående. Ingen kan som Jakob forløse det klanglige potentiale i bigbandet.«
Det lille menneske og den store moder natur har været udgangspunktet i skabelsen af Song & Wind.
»En suite med Marilyn Mazur som moder jord og Københavns Drengekor, som det lille menneske, der taler ud i evigheden og synger om længsel, tvivl og tab. Om smerte og om tid og evighed,« forklarer Jakob Buchanan, som i lydlandskabet formet af Aarhus Jazz Orchestra er tilbage i bigbandet som trompetist.
Musikken er inspireret af den sydafrikanske digter Ian S. Thomas, og afspejler tanker og følelser, der dukker op i Jakob Buchanans sind som en ægtemand og en far, der tænker tilbage på et langt liv.
»Iain S. Thomas’ små eksistentialistiske digte sætter meget tydeligt ord på nogle af de tanker, der foregår i min verden, og i mange af de samtaler og diskussioner om livet, jeg har med min kone, Nanna. Vi har sammen udvalgt digtene til Song & Wind,« fortæller han.
Musik fra Mols
Musikken er skrevet, der hvor Jakob Buchanan bor; i et landskab af jord og marker på Mols, formet af alle de små bakker og midt i den kraftige vind fra havet. Musikken er også blevet til i trompetistens lille bondegård i Kornhult, Sverige – omgivet af mørket i fyrreskoven, mosset og fuglelivet.
Om samarbejdet med Marilyn Mazur fortæller han:
”Hun inviteres ind i musikken, fordi hun som den musikalske troldkvinde, hun er, kan forme og rumme alt i sit spil – og dermed skabe både med- og modspil i musikken.”
Albummet udgives af det danske pladeselskab Our Recordings. Pladeselskabet skriver, at Buchanans Song & Wind på alle måder er en værdig efterfølger til hans tidligere DMA Jazz prisvindende album Buchanan Requiem fra 2016.
»Song & Wind er et stort værk, udtryksfuldt og fuld af skønhed, der trækker tråde til fortidens musik, samtidig med at de sætter en videre kurs ind i fremtiden.«
Song & Wind er det niende album i rækken af udgivelser fra Jakob Buchanan.
Ved Danish Music Awards Jazz 2016 vandt Jakob Buchanan både i kategorien ’Årets danske jazzudgivelse’ og ’Årets danske komponist’ for hans roste udgivelse ’Buchanan Requiem’.

Google Translation.
New critically acclaimed jazz album: The music grew at Mols
Composer Jakob Buchanan is ready with another jazz album and he has drawn inspiration from his own life as a husband and father at Mols.
Composer Jakob Buchanan is ready with another jazz album and he has drawn inspiration from his own life as a husband and father at Mols.
Jazz lovers can get their ears out, because on 22 September the internationally renowned jazz composer Jakob Buchanan's new album Song & Wind was released. His record company says so in a press release.
The album is a collaboration with the Aarhus Jazz Orchestra and the internationally renowned percussionist Marilyn Mazur, as well as no less than 90 eminent singers from the Copenhagen Boys' Choir under the expert direction of conductor Carsten Seyer-Hansen.
Song & Wind has already caused excitement. When the piece was played at Winterjazz 2022, Politiken's reviewer Henrik Palle signed off with five hearts and wrote:
"The music was magnificent and fragile. Just like the globe… Beautiful, spiritual, complex and challenging, yes, actually demanding. On the other hand, it is also extremely rewarding, thought-provoking and enriching.'
At Aarhus Jazz Orchestra, we are happy and proud of the collaboration with one of Denmark's leading jazz composers. Orchestra manager Anders Ørbæk says:
"The collaboration with Jakob Buchanan is enormously rewarding for us as an orchestra, partly because Jakob is an eminent composer who constantly sets out new directions for jazz, but also because he knows our orchestra, including the strengths of the individual musicians, intimately. No one can unleash the sonorous potential of the big band like Jakob.'
The small man and the great mother nature have been the starting point in the creation of Song & Wind.
"A suite with Marilyn Mazur as mother earth and the Copenhagen Boys' Choir, as the little man who speaks out into eternity and sings of longing, doubt and loss. About pain and about time and eternity,' explains Jakob Buchanan, who in the soundscape shaped by the Aarhus Jazz Orchestra is back in the big band as a trumpeter.
The music is inspired by the South African poet Ian S. Thomas, and reflects the thoughts and feelings that arise in Jakob Buchanan's mind as a husband and father reflecting on a long life.
"Iain S. Thomas's small existentialist poems put very clearly into words some of the thoughts that go on in my world, and in many of the conversations and discussions about life that I have with my wife, Nanna. We have selected the poems for Song & Wind together,' he says. Music from Mols
The music was written where Jakob Buchanan lives; in a landscape of land and fields on Mols, shaped by all the small hills and in the middle of the strong wind from the sea. The music was also created in the trumpeter's small farmhouse in Kornhult, Sweden – surrounded by the darkness of the pine forest, the moss and the bird life.
He says about the collaboration with Marilyn Mazur:
"She is invited into the music because, as the musical sorceress she is, she can shape and accommodate everything in her playing - and thus create both complicity and counterplay in the music."
The album is published by the Danish record company Our Recordings. The record company writes that Buchanan's Song & Wind is in every way a worthy successor to his previous DMA Jazz award-winning album Buchanan Requiem from 2016.
»Song & Wind is a large work, expressive and full of beauty, which draws threads to the music of the past, while at the same time setting a further course into the future.«
Song & Wind is the ninth album in the series of releases from Jakob Buchanan.
At the Danish Music Awards Jazz 2016, Jakob Buchanan won both in the category 'Danish jazz release of the year' and 'Danish composer of the year' for his acclaimed release 'Buchanan Requiem'.

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