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Great review in Jazz Nyt (DK)

October 31, 2023

Niels Overgård

Jazz Nyt (DK)
Det er imponerende hvordan Aarhus Jazz Orchestra kan blive ved med at overraske. Indenfor kort tid er der landet to nye plader hos mig, hvor big bandet medvirker.
På den her, er det med en gammel kending i Aarhus Jazz Orchestra sammenhæng. Han har selv været fast trompetist i orkestret. Nu er han aktuel med tredje plade sammen med Aarhus Jazz Orchestra. Den første, Requiem fra 2015 gav jeg Jakob Buchanan årets Jazznytpris for.
Song & Wind bliver fremført af Jakob Buchanan på trompet, Marilyn Mazur på percussion, big bandet og Københavns Drengekor under ledelse af Carsten Seyer Hansen. Musikken er en hyldest til naturens fire elementer.
Vi bringes godt og meget dynamisk gennem mange forskellige stemninger. Kor, percussion, trompet og big band indtager forskellige roller og taler sammen. Det er et storladent stykke big band musik. Det grænser på mange måder op til den klassiske musik.
Song & Wind er yderst vellykket og sætter en høj standard. I øvrigt er det dejligt at høre Buchanans trompet så meget som det er tilfældet på pladen. Måske han en dag igen får lyst til at lave jazz i en mindre sammenhæng, hvor hans smukke trompettone får endnu mere plads.
Niels Overgård 31.10.2023

AI Translation
It's impressive how Aarhus Jazz Orchestra continues to surprise. Within a short period, two new albums have landed in my collection featuring the big band.
On this one, it's with an old acquaintance in the context of Aarhus Jazz Orchestra. He was a regular trumpeter in the orchestra himself. Now, he's releasing his third album with Aarhus Jazz Orchestra. The first one, "Requiem" from 2015, earned Jakob Buchanan the Jazznyt Prize of the Year.
"Song & Wind" is performed by Jakob Buchanan on trumpet, Marilyn Mazur on percussion, the big band, and the Copenhagen Boys' Choir under the direction of Carsten Seyer Hansen. The music is a tribute to the four elements of nature.
We are taken through many different moods, with the choir, percussion, trumpet, and big band taking on various roles and conversing. It's a grand piece of big band music that, in many ways, borders on classical music.
"Song & Wind" is highly successful and sets a high standard. It's also delightful to hear Buchanan's trumpet featured so prominently on the album. Perhaps one day, he'll have the desire to make jazz in a smaller setting, where his beautiful trumpet tone can shine even more.

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